
Spending Classroom

real estate for rent sign

Introduction: Renting vs Buying a Home – What’s the Better Option?

Buying a home is a big investment and an important responsibility. But owning a home also makes you feel like you're part of a community and proud to have a stable environment to raise a family. And if handled correctly, a home can add to your long term wealth should you decide to sell it down the road. Home Buying Tips Ninja Training … [Read More...]

Saving Classroom


Which of These 6 Bad Money Habits Is Preventing You From Building Wealth?

Would you like to hold on to more of your money? If so, you'll have to break bad habits that keep many people poor. Some of the areas discussed below touch on budgeting, credit cards, saving money, smart investing, and buying cars. By correcting the bad money habits discussed in this article, you'll be on a path to greater riches. 1. Failing to … [Read More...]

Investing Classroom

mutual fund guide

Introduction: 8 Advantages of Investing In Mutual Funds

There is a boat load of information published about mutual funds. That's probably because, for most of us, these investments will comprise the vast majority of our retirement portfolios. Mutual funds also account for the core choices within most corporate 401k, 403b, and other pension plans, as well as Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs). … [Read More...]

Earning Classroom

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this personal finance and wealth building web site represent the thoughts, ideas, and opinions of Michael Holland, unless otherwise stated. You may also come across articles, videos, reports, and other content provided by (or associated with) various authors. In all of these cases, the opinions of each respective author is there's alone, and they shall retain copyright of the material as marked. There are also links that might earn us a commission. Nevertheless, the information on this web site is in no way intended to replace a one-on-one relationship or consultation with a qualified or certified financial or investment professional. Our intent is not to give you financial advice because every individual's financial situation is unique. The intent is to share knowledge and information based on the experience and research of Michael Holland and his community. Michael encourages you to make your own financial decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified financial or investment professional.