Green Wealth Belt (GWB): Introduction

green wealth belt

The Financial Dojo Green Wealth Belt™ is the next level up from the Yellow Wealth Belt. It’s just about in the middle of the wealth belt pack. As a Green Wealth Belt™ holder, you’re like the plant seed that has just broken through the earth with the intent to reach the sun. You know the basic components and techniques of building wealth.  Now is … [Read more...]

Types of Investment Options & Investment Accounts

types of investments

If you watch tv, read financial magazines, or just casually surf the Internet, you’re bound to be bombarded by a plethora of investment options.  It’s no wonder that many people get confused. But in reality, the average person only needs to know about the basic types of investments discussed below to get their portfolio going. Just because a … [Read more...]

How to Accelerate Wealth Creation & Conclusion

accelerate wealth

It’s great that you’ve reached a point where your debt is mostly under control and you’re saving money for the future. And when you move up to the Red Wealth Belt level, you’ll discover even more ways to diversify your investment portfolio and keep that money working for you. But you should pause for a moment to answer this important … [Read more...]