Why Compound Interest Is the 8th Wonder of the World


Forget about the Grand Canyon, Eiffel Tower, or Taj Mahal, they don't come close to approaching the true eighth wonder of the world. I'm referring to "compound interest". But don't take my word for it, read this quote by "another" (ha ha) mathematical genius. “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns … [Read more...]

5 Retirement Planning Mistakes You Should Avoid

retirement planning mistakes

Many people make the five avoidable retirement planning mistakes discussed below. The mistakes are primarily related to participation in a employer-sponsored retirement plan, portfolio diversification, and accessing funds to soon. If you can avoid these errors, your chances of a worry-free retirement will be greatly enhanced. 1. Not participating … [Read more...]

Avoid These 6 Investing Traps and Enjoy Greater Returns

investing trap

When it comes to investing in stocks and other financial instruments, below are some of the common traps that every wealth-building ninja should know about. Specifically, this article will cover traps such as sticking with investments too long, getting the wrong advice, not doing the appropriate research, and more. After reading and understanding … [Read more...]

Why and How to Invest in REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts)


If you're looking for an under-the-radar investment that has a history of great returns, then consider REITs. In this article, you'll learn why and how to invest in REITs. Specifically, you'll get the scoop on the three types, how they work, investment options, and how you make money. After gaining a basic understanding of them, you'll have … [Read more...]

More Mutual Fund Styles & Investment Options

mutual fund styles

In the Green Wealth Belt mini-course, I provided a list of the best mutual fund styles that should comprise the bulk of your investment portfolio. I also laid out three Investment Portfolio Models designed to meet the needs of any investor based on their risk tolerance level.  So we’ve got you covered whether you’re an Aggressive, Moderate, or … [Read more...]

Types of Investment Options & Investment Accounts

types of investments

If you watch tv, read financial magazines, or just casually surf the Internet, you’re bound to be bombarded by a plethora of investment options.  It’s no wonder that many people get confused. But in reality, the average person only needs to know about the basic types of investments discussed below to get their portfolio going. Just because a … [Read more...]

How to Calculate Your Retirement Income Needs

retirement nest egg

One of the most frequently asked questions among those who are trying to plan for their futures is, “How much do I need to save for retirement?” No doubt, this is an extremely important question because the answer will provide a foundation on which all aspects of your financial life can then be worked out. If you know the total amount you’ll … [Read more...]